jeudi, novembre 29, 2007


what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this

Thursday...almost the end of November...I promised my self that this month I would purge the apartment of things I don't love or want...all the clutter that has accumulated over the years. So far I have only ridded the place of one not so large bag of clothes. The Hallway is full of recycling plus piles of direct tv equipment and broken things that I have a hard time putting in the trash.

Coinsidentally, There was a meeting here at CCNY to form committees to work on creating a sustainable campus. There are a number of committees: cirriculum, research, student affairs, procurement, facilities, planning+construction+renovation, transportation, waste management, auxiliary services+residence hall, communication+Public Education, and community affairs.

The hope is that each committee will have students
+ faculity involved...

There were three student clubs represented: NYPIRG, Sustainable CCNY, and green planet; pluspeople from Materials Exchange Developement Program (MEDP) which is funded by the city (through dept of sanitation?). Also, Carmelo Rodriguez from from the office of student services and (MIke?) from (?)who was running the powerpoint presentation.

On my way to this meeting Michelle stopped me outside the garden saying "I thought you were going to come through."
She and Geronimo were working moving dirt to raise the herb garden. I wished she had called me, cause I knid of want to help with that. Instead I spent the morning watching Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down which is my pick for sexiest movie I have seen this very sexy year.!_Tie_Me_Down!

Later I talked with Jessica from NYPIRG about student events, Darfor, and congestion pricing.
Now I will get coffee and go see about taking out the recycling...sigh.

jeudi, novembre 15, 2007

MFA St., Onions, H2O, AMA, Kerouac

what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this

"I don't belong to an Onion, I AM Onion."


Tonight CCNY MFA canidates are having an open studio

I am really looking forward to this.

I know some of the people from Sylvia's ceramics class.

Now I am Googling to see what their stuff looks like.

Here they are alphabetically by first name:

Dennis Delgado

Filipa Farraia

Glenda Hydler

Jang Soon Im

Rachel Jobe

Seung Ae Kim

Sun Kim

Anthony Miler

Nancy Palubniak ak ak ak

Shani Peters

Patricia Reibesehl

Arthur Skowron

Miranda Small

Dessida Snyder

Erik Sommer

Mary Sweeney

Pei Chum Tsai

Priska Wenger

Yu Zhang

Yesterday, efore going to meet Mitch at the Humanities Library for the Kerouac Exhibit, I was asked by someone from ICLA? ICLA? to volunteer to donate bone Marrow. I said I would think about it. While I was thinking about it and reading "The Paper"

I thought maybe I would try to reach and write an article about bone marrow in relation to me and things I care about (universal single payer health care, environmentalism, not losing my apartment, non-profit organizations that really help people, separation of church and state, etc.) The (really beautiful) young woman at the table was super nice and in about 2 minutes touched on about twenty good medically related topics.

Today I went to a meeting about environmental jobs. Speakers Mario Paula from the EPA, Dr. James Wang from environmental, Raphael Rodriguez from U. S. Geological Survey NY Water Science Center, and William C. Schwab from U.S.G.S. Woods Science Center spoke for an hour and a half to a packed room of over 80 people.

I almost for got to mention (drumroll PPause) After seen the (amazing) Kerouac show at the (amazing) Humanities Library, I went out and bought a paper shredder. (I've been thinking of paper mache)

Alreadly this has given me hours of entertainment and pleasure as I shred everything fromwatchtower handouts, toletters from debt collectors, to advertisements for Kohls and the MomA Design Store. When I made the impulse buy, I thought I was being all environmental I realize that it is yet another gulty, plastic pleasure that runs on electricity:( Please let me know if you need/want some pretty packing material.


lundi, novembre 05, 2007

bokk book book!

what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this

ok...A while back My friend and Strand Co-worker Karen McMaron signed me up a with this Meryl Zega-something P.R. group she was working for and started sending me frre books to review. For the most part, the books have been pretty bad. But I love getting mail, especially in bubble wrap-lined manilla envelopes with lots of cool looking stamps. So I feel like saying thanks Meryl Z. and at least saying something about some of these books...not all of which are horrible.

The Alpine Fantasy of Victor B, is a nice looking anthology of fiction by British artists. I am a HUGE fan of short fiction and I might actually read some of these. The little I have read has not repulsed me.

Kath Trevelyan a novel by Jeremy Cooper is pretty bad. I was optimistic after the first sentence but that is where the love affair ended:(

Winged Wonders A celebration of Birds in Human History I am keeping around as an amusing reference book. And we all know that reference books are the best kind of books to keep around. I don't think I would pay money for this but I guess one of the authors works with/for oxfam and the UN...those Ihave heard good things about.

Hunger Artist Joanne Jacobson this looks good...I mayactually read thisplus bonus it has pictures!

Crossing the Dark Heidi W. Boehringer and From May to December by Pat Mac Enulty...these are a good examples of the drivel I have come to expect from serpents tale press. They both have the plus bonus (caveat?) of very sexy young women on the covers!!

jeudi, novembre 01, 2007

Fair Hikes?

what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this

Looks like MTA is proposing fare hikes again...I am looking at this 2008 plan and trying to figure out how n...n..nine billion dollars annually is not enough.

Looks likethere is a billion dollar debt service(?)...a billion dollar healthcare plan, four million in overtime, and four million in "other fringe benefits" that the the the $9,853,000,000 in revenue+subsidies can not quite cover. Therfor, the proposed regressive tax/fare hike.