mardi, juin 03, 2008

reflecting on spring 2008

what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this

Well...Now we are in June...I finished my study of architecture history with a book of poems regarding the 1893 Chicago worls Fair aka World's Columbian Expo her let me see if I can find a sample poem.

They Flocked to the Fair

Tenants, farmers, overseers
Laborer, dairy women, architects
Clergy, dentists, lawyers
Physicians, Authors, teachers
Artists, musicians, actresses
Managers, showmen, inventors
Bankers, bookkeepers, clerks
Copists, telephone+telegraph operators, manufacturers
Stenographers, packers, railway workers
Porters, messengers, butchers
Undertakers, metal workers, gunsmiths
Engravers, machinists, painters
Organ makers, pattern makers, paper hangers
Stone cutters, potters, blacksmiths
Carpenters, barbers, janitors
Saloon keepers, waiters, cooks
Tailors, paper box makers, nurses
Servants, dress makers, laundresses

Most of my information came from a book called FAIR WOMEN.

It kind of opened my eyes to the expansiveness and depth of womens organizations and was full of interesting details about who was pissing off who in the era of women's sufferage. I really enjoyed it.

In other news, I am determined to clean my apartment this afternoon, (I found a bedbug on my loft last night.) I put in my resume for a custodial assistant's job here at ccny. I met up with Dave and lindon the a community garden on e 12th st last week and ran into Will b. And Hannah. (they were both very happy. Their effervecent happiness overwhelmed my bitterness about being fired.)I went to PS1 on sunday and ran into Jeanette, the key lime queen. She also was in a good mood and it was good to see her. The PS1 show was odd+amusing. Our bathroom seems to get more disgusting daily. I am planning to hand deliver a letter to Jose GOnzoles with a witness so he can not deny knowing about the problems in our building. (arrgh!)Speaking of buildings, Hamiltons House is being moved. This process has been impressive. Oh and i think there is a ccny mfa grads opening tonight.