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Thursday--recycling day...here in the library checking e-mail and charging devices. Living sans electricity at the apartment since August. Maybe I will have it turned back on in 2011. Now I kind of like the 1800's life style...candles, ambient sounds. I am working on intaglio printmaking. THis seems to go with with the no electricity theme. Life is not bad except that I feel I am being radiated by some kind of thing from above. I have no idea what it is. At first I thought it was x-rays or micro waves or sonar or something from some kind of star wars weaponry. It seems to have different settings. This has been going on for some time. I haven't said much about this to anyone. It sounds kind of crazy.
In other news, After five free days at Crunch, I am convinced that I need a gym in my life. I am looking at different ones to compare prices and amenities/services. Crunch was really good--especially the dance and yoga classes and the locker rooms. I looked at Manhattan Plaza. It was okay, but had a funny smell and less nice showers. The lockers rooms at the Metro Parks Rec Center were better even. I am planning to go back next week to test it out.
One in Williamsburg, next to the Time's Up space, called Soma was so-so. I didn't see the locker rooms there. On the really high end there is Equinox which looks like it might be really nice. I don't know if it fits my shoestring image/budget.
No other really big news. Life is good (for the most part.)