mercredi, décembre 19, 2007

Women, Dewey & The Medium

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As preparation to writing my essay for my second application to CCNY's MFA program, I starting looking at some of the art/philosophy related books I have collected and not yet read. Here are four (not so random) selections:

Women Who Make Moviesby Sharon Smith

This book printed in 1975 is a fun read. Stories about female filmmakers most of which I have never heard of are interesting and helpful in that many of the ideas and impulses I have as a female and an artist are represented in their stories.

Reconstruction in Philosophy and Art as Experience (I just now realize) are by the same author, John Dewey. I can only guess why I found both of these (Strand, 48 cent) books interesting enough to bring home. As it turns out Dewey is a major figure on influence in American educational philosophy. (Who knew?)I haven't really heard much about him.

I have yet to form much of an opinion. Hopefully, I will love or hate him and maybe mention him in my essay with the appearance some sort of informed intelligence.

The Medium Is The Massage: an inventory of effects1967 by Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore is a fun, heavily illustrated book about society, the recient advent of "jobs", Government, education, and ever-changing technology. The Medium refered to is electronic technology.

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