jeudi, septembre 11, 2008

N.E.W., work, and capital

what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this

Happy 9/11!

Quickly i am writing this before running to a special 9/11 forum on socialism tonight here at ccny. I was kicked out of the N.E.W. worker training program (for wearing the wrong shoes?)but I am hoping to write the most contrite letter and get back in because it really is the best thing since...well, ever.

My new roommate, Erin Dunner and I saw lecture at columbia last monday in which blue glass and steven holl's name came up. They had very nice salsa there. Erin liked the drawings the speaker spoke out (against sustainability?). Not an issue for him he says.

next thursday there is a radical women's conference and a lecture by (julie snow?)
here in Harlem U.S.A.

Julie Snow

fall lectures

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