what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this
I set my alarm for 5AM to get up and go running before it got too hot. This did not happen. Instead, I woke up at ten with an urge to go out to Queens to buy wood to strech canvas. This did not happen either. Instead I got out of the crowded 1 train at 110 to get a cold drink and watched some firemen doing something with a hydrant, then rode down to the art student's league and was thinking about printmaking with Micheal Pelletieri when my mom called me to say there was a storm headed this way and it's name is Earl. From there I walked to MOMA, sat in the cafe and made lists of people I should write to: Noam Chomsky, Greg Williams, Marshall Berman, Ghislaine Hermanuz, Marta Gutman, Bags for the People, Modern Painter, Grace Knowlton, Yvonne Rainer, Scherezade, Megan FOster, Sylvia Netzer, Tom Willome, Dan Southerland, Steve KNoll, Tom Beach, Linda Montano, Alvin Osteroff, Juli Burden, Beth CCameron, Scott Hinson, Bill Lundberg, Susan Whyne, Maggie Bogdanovich, Lisa Gonzales...the list goes on. I ran through the painting exhibit and the women photographer's and on the way out made a short film in the garden. Then I jumped on a bus to the library where (after stopping for hamburgers) I saw a nice slideshow/talk about architectural walking tours and MAS. Yesterday I met with Steve Chiu about starting an art co-op/collective of some sort. Next Meeting is September 15th if you are inclined to sit on the board. Now home to work on a portfolio of some sort!
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