Happy New Year!
Sending out 146 cards (12x12+two extras not shown) to wish you a happy new year. May 2012 bring peace, love and unbeforebeknownst happiness.
Sending out 146 cards (12x12+two extras not shown) to wish you a happy new year. May 2012 bring peace, love and unbeforebeknownst happiness.
Also want to mention two new blogs for the new year:
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I believed that if I hung around this planet long enough, some day I might meet a real human being.
Now that I've met one, I'm forced to realize that I've known very many other human beings in my time on this planet, and they are much more real than I was ever willing to believe.
Now I almost dare to imagine that some day, I can become a real human being, too.
They look better than on the wall. A pity one can't see in detail the nice work you did in each of them
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