vendredi, mars 29, 2013

Braver, Newer Film Festival

J'ai envie de parler à la croisée des chemins...Dernièrement, je suis resté assis dans les lieux avec un éclairage agréable...Whole Foods, Lincoln Center, Cosi, Crunch, Theater For The New City, St. Paul, St. John, ASL, Starbucks... écouter de la musique... penser à film.

Also I have been riding trains and meeting with people, some of whom look like twins/sons/ daughters/parents/cousins of co-workers, friends, schoolmates cousins and brothers.

Also, I have still been seeing an unusual number of injured people...or people acting injured.

Last night, at TNC, I saw someone that looked like Andy Hathaway with MS or parkinson's

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