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Here is a picture of the health center at the corner of 145th and Amsterdam.
It could use some improvement...non?
Okay...so I am here in the computer lab at CCNY's North Academic Center (NAC)thinking about employment opportunities. About fifteen years ago, when I quit my job at Owen's Family Restaurant I swore off food service jobs. (Before that I had worked at Fuddruckers, Denny's, Pizza Hut, Olive Garden, and Stars Inn Cafe.)
Just now, I have made a list of all the jobs I have had since my fourth/fifth grade stint delivering the San Antonio Light (What a raw deal that was!! I think I made $35-$75 dollars a month and worked very hard for about 60 hours per month. Even worse than extra-ordinarily exhausting labor and ink stained hands was being a bill collector--stupid dead-beat neighbors...grrr.):
freelance: Architectural Researcher, Nanny, House-sitter, Photographer, lawn-mower,
car-washer, leaf-bagger, cleaner
volunteer: community organizer (UHAB, Mirabal Sisters, 545 Tenant Association), construction leader, roofer, painter, dry-wall hanger, landscaper (Habitat for Humanity), candy-stripper, maitre d'hotel (Hostelling International), layout editor, wire editor, arts and entertainment writer (Daily Texan), baby-bird feeder (B.E.A.K.S.), gardener (Serenity Gardens), advocate(MLT, Mirabal Sisters), cook prep-cook(Food-not-Bombs), correspondent (inside-books, rhizome collective)
retail: Long's, Cord Camera, Drexel Grandview Theater, Half Price Books, Strandbooks, Follette
teaching: creative play center, columbus public-schools substitute,scab-teaching in southern ohio (a lucrative if-not-especially-proud moment)
ymca after-school teacher (good-fun until a bi&*^&%^$$#@new OSU-education-grad became my boss and treated me like I had the plague.)
Places I would deign to work:
used bookstores
record stores
video stores
architecture firms
law offices (with good lighting)
design companies
government offices
materials for the arts
charlie rose
brian lehrer
hardware stores
anything related to sustainability
anything facilities maintenance
art students league
Places I would not deign to work:
food service
places with bad lighting/air quality/work environments
evil corporations
pvc manufacturing
Really sketchy small businesses
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