lundi, décembre 28, 2009

what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this

a letter...Sitting here on the futon in the dining room communing with the spirits and practicing typing....I vow to write more and better letters...pee...and look for the S21 E04 part one on you tube...wondereing if this is avril levine reeally is an anagram of guess it's not.

Here it is:

je t'aime...La vie c'est bon...vraiment...Je s un jour quand une amis (aident?)-moi...Je me rappelle un jour où un ami m'a aidé. J'étais triste. Je pensais avoir échoué à un examen de français...hmmm...d' t'aime...La vie c'est bonne...vraiment...Je me rappelle n jour ou un ami m'a aide...J'etais triste...Je pensais avoir echoue a un examen de francais...

Maintainent...un crimp nouveau

row...row...pan...cake...row...row...pan...cake...cellular mitosis...cellular mitosis...electromagnetic fields...onion...onion...chive...soft nose...hold your horses...big eyes...big eyes...fold...fold...lace

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