mercredi, octobre 26, 2005

Thirteendays of Reflection: Day (6)?

what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this

Ok...I'm up to 1996. Keeping in mind that this blog:

was created as a makeshift portfolio for my art/life professors to view and recommend (or not recommend) me as a grad school candidate...I'm a little embarrassed at how personal it is and slightly sheepish in thinking that it does not go far enough in explaining the horrible mistakes and consequences...these past thirteen years (and these past 36 years for that matter)...This is the point at which religion starts to make sense.

You know, the absolution from sin and responsibility in exchange for confession and the "God still loves all us children...even the 36 year old ones."

Be aware, anyone who is glad I have let go and let God, faith is a fleeting thing for me. Moments from now I will be thinking what a manipulative and mis-used deception the "Great One" is...but for now I take comfort in the belief that we are perfect...just as god made us (U.S.?).

Don't...don't...don't...let's forget:

Jesus Died For The American People

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