What is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this
It has been a long time since I actually had anything interesting to write in this box. I've simply been going through the motions of writing for months now until, finally, I awoke this morning with something to say. Call it an epiphany or the weight of several years of accumulated information breaching my levy of denial, I have two huge revelations to report.**
As my friend, Steve Knoll might say:
"A number one":
Humans have the power of mental telepathy. *
Telepathy is a possibility I have been seriously pondering for several months now, but fear of being swept away into a metaphysical corner next to Carlos Casteneda and the actor who played the mother of Carrie Fisher in Postcards from the Edge has kept the subject out of my daily conversation. You know the old joke, "What did the one telepathic say to the other?"
(silent pause)
(ha ha ha)
The only reason I dare to mention telepathy now is that I was informed telepathically of my second revelation:
"B number two":
Concrete is being pumped into the Pacific. *
I now realize that while all the world's concerned citizens and cameras have been pointed at the huge fiasco in Iraq, less concerned citizens have been doing clandestine things (most likely involving concrete) in the Pacific Ocean.*
Consider this...the oceans are vast vast vast...the last great frontier...un-policed (for the moment)...environmentally un-protected (for the moment)...if Jane Q. Citizen zooms in from google earth on the pacific, she might see a car in front of a building in Honolulu but she sure won't see any huge aircraft carriers or dereks or cement mixers...unless she happens to own her own satellite and even then, there may be ways to disguise such an operation from space cameras. (correction: I just tried looking at honolulu and a girl can see battleships in pearl harbour...I guess what I meant was that one can not see them out in the ocean...you know it gets blurry and unfocused out there.)
Besides being a revenue generator, a war is a great distraction from any huge engineering project at the bottom of the sea. Also for those of us less-gifted students, we get to become aware of where Iraq is.
A while back I went to a little talk about turbines in the Hudson. That's when it dawned on me that...for all I know, there could already be turbines in the Hudson...I once saw some people excavating a shipwreck in the Gulf of Mexico where they had managed to suck all the water out of a huge cylinder creating a hole in the gulf...It was so wierd...one could just boat up and climb down and walk around on the gulf floor.
So okay most educated people may already be aware of this stuff...but I really don't get a sense of it from my two major news sources...The Daily Show with Jon Stewart or Le Show with Harry Shearer. I watched the evening news once. That seemed even less enlightening. I guess I could try reading the NY Times once in a while but I feel like I have to wade through so much bullshit and read between so many lines that I'm wanting to go back to school and study something that will give me some sort of security clearance, just so I can get a clue and participate in this grand global "democracy". Where all men are created equal but some are slightly more equal than others....Sigh.
*Having already been involuntarily committed three times, I can write these things without fear of losing credibility.
**This is where those years of typing practice would've come in handy
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