jeudi, juin 22, 2006

the day after wordplay

what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this

je suis un peu fatigue.
Il fait chaud, mais pas trop chaud.
Tita is licking herself then is startled
momentarily (sp.?)
hay uno ruido piqueno
someone outside yells, "Guard!"

I'm guard too.)

Tita settles down...her furry little head
between her paws,

comme un chien.

Thank you.


My carpenter pants are on the floor along with
ropas sucias de mi semana en la libreria.

I've decided not to go back.
The voices outside my window don't want me to go
back and re-write what I have written.
or retyp-o
what I have written
oops...Lo hago un otro vez
una otra vez?

nous elle adore.

"exctament." el dire. pence comment dit on, "sigh"
en francais.

Yo me voy a la cocina.

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