vendredi, août 11, 2006

I just can't believe it

what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this

Suspension of...quoi? Dis-belief...THis belief...BE BE Bee leaf...Listening to Democracy Now on the day before my bonus day off. (Thank you Nancy for the petit vacance.) water boiling...I really am thankful if a bit confused. Z moved out and Bernardo and Eric and I are coping with this crumbling bathroom ceiling the hole has gotten much much bigger it's now half th bathroom cieling that is missing. We sent a letter to the {545 w 146 st Corp} letting them know we are not paying rent because of the absence of maintence which in this case is desperately needed.

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