samedi, août 26, 2006

der Wetter, ps1, loom of language

what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this I took my meloncholy self to ps1, figuring I should make some use of this unexpected free time. They had up a great looking canopy in the courtyard...i guess there is a dance thing there on saturdays...inside I was mezmerized by a film by stan brakage...a loop of a birth that looked oh so painful and made me think of kimmie.

everything after that was strange especially the rest of the first floor which seemed to have a body fluids/oriface(sp?) theme...upstairs there were some prettier things...videos of surfing and neon chinese words for north south east and west. I tried copying thouse down since it goes along with what I've been reading in the Loom of Language.

LOL is a really amazing book that i highly recommend to anyone interested in languages or lingustics.

Tomorrow I go back to work at the bookstore...Hopefully without incident.

Our ceiling got fixed this week. It is so nice to go in there and not have debris falling from a gaping rat infested hole. Sigh.

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