vendredi, avril 15, 2005

another green day

what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this

Estoy cansada, pero tengo algunos minutos para practicar espanol.

Aqui hay un otro poema de Pablo Neruda:

Oda a la cama
Ode to the bed

De cama en cama en cama
es este viaje,
el viaje de la vida.

We go from one bed to the next
In this journey,
life's journey.

El que nace, el herido
y el que muere,
el que ama y el que suena
vinieron y se van de cama en cama,
vinimos y nos vamos
en este tren, en este nave, en este
rio comun
a toda
a toda muerte.

The newborn, the afflicted,
the dying,
the lover and the dreamer alike:
they arrived and they will depart by bed,
we all have arrived and we will all depart
on this train, on this boat, down this
river which is common
to all
which is shared by each and every death.

la tiera es una cama
florida por amor, sucia de sangre,
las sabanas del cielo
se secan
el cuerpo de septiembre y sublancura,
el mar
por la
y mueve ropa blanca y ropa negra.

Love makes the earth
a bed for blooming, mired in blood.
The fullness of September, its clarity
shaken out
in sheets by the skyful,
The sea groans,
by the
of the
surging in the white clothes, and black.

Oh mar, cama terrible,
agitacion perpetua
de la muerte y la vida,
del aireencarnizado y de la espuma,
duermen en ti los peces,
la noche,
las ballenas,
yace en ti la cienza
centerfuga y celeste
de los agonizantes meteoros:
palpitas, mar, con todos
tus dormidos,
construyes y destruyes
el talamo incesante de los suenos

O sea, intimidating bed,
death and life
writhing endlessly
and savage air and spray:
fish sleep deep inside you,
and the night,
and whales.
In you rest
the celestial, centrifugal
ashes of dying meteors.
You throb, sea, with the life of everything
that sleeps within you,
you build up and tear down
the ever-renewed bride's bed of dreams.

De prontosale un rayo
con dos ojos de puro nomeolvides,
con nariz de marfil o de manzana,
y te muestra el sendero
a suaves sabanas
como estandartes claros deazucena
por donde resbalamos
al enlace.
vienea la cama
la muerte con sus manos oxidadas
y su lengua de yodo
y levanta su dedo
largo como un camino
mostrandomas la arena,
la puerta de los ultimos dolores.

Lighting flashes suddenly
in two eyes of pure forget-me-not
and an ivory or apple profile.
It shows you the way
to soft sheets
like bright banners, white lilies,
down which we roll
to the final embrace.
Then death
slips into bed with us
with his spotted hands
and iodine tongue.
He raises a finger
as long as a road
showing us the shore,
the gateway to our dying pain.

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