mercredi, février 09, 2005

Code of Hammurabi

Someone asked me to help them find a book about the Code of Hammurabi. I had only the vaguest recollection of what this was. So I googled it....first written code of laws...Babylon...death rights...all that good stuff I guess there were three classes of people(what's new?)

I think the ACLU might have a problem with some of these laws.

I have the day off and my neighbor Socorro invited me to see a free film at the Tribeca festival...not the actual festival...that's in May...which reminds me that I need to finish taping the five minute video I was doing about her and log it so I can sign up for the MNN editing class.
Sigh...and I have to do something about this pile of laundry.

Later, one (very intoxicated) person asked me to recommend some amusing fiction.

"What's funny? I don't want any of the depressing stuff. Give me something funny."

Hmmm...good question actually...Martin Amis, Eugene Ionesco, Douglas Adams, Kurt Vonnegut and Lynda Barry amuse me, but is that the kind of thing she's looking for? Steve Martin is hilarious as a comedian, but Shop Girl wasn't really funny. She said she likes Elmore Leonard...because he's funny...some people might consider him trash but he makes her laugh.

If you know of any undisputably amusing fiction please share.

Maybe Dave Barry...Can anyone read his stuff and not laugh? Not me...he is definitely what I would consider laugh out loud funny....My mom suggested the sweet potato pie queen...I haven't read it I can't attest, but the pictures are funny.

Then she kept repeating,"What are the new classics? What do Young People consider the new classics?"

Sheesh...I don't know...Fortunatly, she was quickly off on some new tangent about history.

"What about history? Do you read history?"

I guess a really funny history book would have been just the thing.

What about America, the the daily show people...that is funny in an oh my god, if i didn't laugh I would cry sort of way and it should immediately replace all HBJ texts.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Liz (AKA "Beat!") would say Bill Bryson's *A Short History of Nearly Everything* was laugh-out-loud funny, I'm sure. She's raved about it to me. I like him better than Dave Barry, for some reason. I like David Sedaris better than both of them.

Jennifer a dit…

oHH...I haven't tried Bill Bryson...I didn't know he was funny...David Sedaris...yes...of course...he is funny. Why didn't I think of that?