what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this
SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSo...I had trouble sleeping because of the 1/2 liter of coffee i drank last night when I went down to 54st to meet Roussina nad Mitch. We didn't get into see the Colbert Report but instead walked around to Columbus Circle and through the Time-Warner (Lincoln Center?) building and into Borders Books...where we looked at calanders, and magazines and listened to music.
This morning in my caffinated non-sleep I was thinking about NYC. Doing a little reckoning. Trying to justify my existance here. I have long maintained that this is a sort of bizzaro world where my previous expectations of cause and effect don't really apply.
It makes for difficult storytelling when the listener is expecting things to make sense because what I come up with is a string of events with no causal relationship. (cause unknown) All I can do is wonder what bizzare thing will happen next. Or make wild long winded speculations. Sometimes I try to test things to see if I can cause something. Like trying to organize a tenants association. Or help a homeless person.
The tenant organizing here at 545 was akin to bouncing a flat basketball. When I was organizing with UHAB it was like either like bouncing a flat basketball or a superball. Eventually I gave up. or lost the ball. It seems now that tenant and community organizing are best done in slow motion. My few experiences "helping" homeless people might be compared to taking acid then hittingoneself with a bat...a live bat-not a baseball bat.
Lately I've been trying to play the constant. Doing things as regularly and predictably as I can and looking around a bit to see if I can see causes and effects happening. Sometimes I think I see a cause or an effect out of the corner of my eye, like a fishing line on a star fighter or a mouse at Strandbooks but its only there for and instant. Maybe I need to be stiller...I mean: more still.
I talked to Horace from UAW local 2179 yesterday. He said he went to the store to talk to Fred, Fred said he didn't know anything about it, so they called in Bibbi. Bibbi said it was all Nancy's doing. He talked to Nancy. She said he would have to talk to the lawyer. He talked to the lawyer.
Now I am supposed be at the UAW office at noon to meet with Horace and the lawyer. I don't know if it is Nancy's lawyer or the UAW lawyer. I guess I will find out.
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