what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this
Dunlop, Mitford, Bryant
for the love Deidre...
evoke something reborn Verlet
exact lines so evedently important.
L'approach, L'autumn, the royal chase
First enlarge Louis XIV, party,
Nine porcelaine offshoots,
Marble everything, hearts too.
Clagny, add water, bring to 1701
redecorate. Now, le Chappelle:
Small cabinets, pompadour, of Berries
The Queen, M. Leszinska
Louis the XVI
Marie Antoinette and the game of make believe
Le reine, Le Rhine, LeNotre
Fantasy flight night, Le Chambre
Alceste, The Enveloppe, the place of arms
Fireworks, flotillas, Grotte
Parterre du Norde, Satory in construction
Stables, windows, beds
Aerial photograph, furnature
lithograph machine, Aquaduct, ground
St. Louis King, Marley Chambre?
1701--Bull's Eye Salon
Duchesse now (private recollection)
Vivien Bourgogne Gobert and the cabinet work
Louis XV roofscape garden axis
Dormer of Bains, Stockholm
The stairs of ambessadeurs.
Try something small, garden front, Opera
Banquet Hall, le Juene
Le Bassin d'Apollon, the Canal
an illuminated wedding, Bust, le Compte
Vigee Mme Le Brun, scandal (1783)Houdon
Plantation (M. de V.)
Belevedere (Georges Saad), Temple of l'amour
Engraved by Nee
Chevalier de l'Espinasse
Try another...Grotto, Chatelet
Plan, block, floor
Small cabinets, endpapers
Archives, Musee, Bureau
Building, tree, organic growth
supreame glory
Tout les jours comedies
Gallery of colonnades
fountains, M. Dunlop, fountains
Le Frondes, le soleil
Historic tourists pantomime
strange oversight untouched
Daughters of France, odd bourbons seen
Madame de Sevigne
Charming centre of government seat
Pergola arbor disappeared
Great mouldering palace
conversation, a curious fact
Le Service de Batiments
Fond of close green thing
Listen she falls slowly, last
Cry rain fountain water
Batsford, Rainbird, Dauphin
there will always be difficulty
a certain point, a knoll of length
dominating three facades
gliding ornament, avenues above
one hundred steps, among the trees
Orangeries (of love?)
not yet arrived luxuriance
offered coup l'oeil
approach coming ediface
small mouth of excellence unrolls
Lytton Strachey
Birds search
delicate mist
tack tacking spring
dead son
room encrusted diamonds
murmur mob
at three o'clock